
PCB production process

One,contact the factory
First, the need to contact the PCBA manufacturer, and then registered customer number, then there will be people you quotation, place an order, and follow up the production schedule.
Two, expected to open
Objective: according to the engineering data MI requirements, in compliance with the requirements of the large plate, cut into small pieces production plate. The customer request small plate material requirements.
Process: plate material, edge cutting and grinding to a board to curium plate to beer fillet \according to requirements of MI
Three, drilling
Objective: according to the project information, in accord with the requirements of the opening sheet size, aperture drill position corresponding to the request.
Process: laminated plate pin, upper plate and lower plate, hole drilling, check \ repair
Four, the copper deposition
Objective: the copper deposition is the use of chemical methods in the insulation on the hole wall deposition of a thin layer of copper.
Process: coarse grinding, plate and hanging plate, copper precipitation automatic line, dipping down% dilute H2SO4, thickened copper
Five、 image transfer
Objective: to pattern transfer is the transfer of image from film to plate production
Process: (blue oil flow): grinding plate, printing the first side, drying, printing second surface, drying,exposure to flush the shadow to check; (dry film process): Ma plate to squeeze film, static,alignment and exposure to static, Chong shadow to check
Six, pattern plating
Objective: pattern plating is in line graphics bare copper skin or a hole on the wall of the plating layer of copper layer and the required thickness requirements to the thickness of the gold nickel or tin layer.
Process: on board, degreasing, water washing two times, etching, water washing, pickling, water washing, acid leaching, copper, tin, water washing, the lower plate
Seven, stripping
Objective: plating covered with NaOH solution receded anti film makes the non line copper layer is exposed.
Process: water film: inserting frames, alkali, washing and scrubbing, machine; dry film: board,machine
Eight, etching
Objective: etching is the use of chemical reaction to the copper layer corrosion non line parts.
Nine, the green
Objective: to transfer the green is green film graphics to the plate, to protect the line and stop line tin welding parts function
Process: grinding plate, printing photosensitive green to curium plate, exposure to Chong Ying;grinding plate, Indy side - drying plate to print second surface - drying plate
Ten, character
Objective: the character is an easy to recognize markers offers
Process: the green end curium, cooling static, adjusting net, seal character, curium
Eleven, gold finger
Objective: plating requires a layer thickness in the plug on the finger nickel \ gold layer, the wear resistance is more hardness
Process: on board, degreasing, water washing two times, etching, washed two times with water, acid pickling, water washing, copper plating, nickel plating, washing, gold-plated
Tin plate (a process parallel)
Objective: spray tin in the bare copper surface not covered on the solder oil spray a layer of tin,copper surface to protect non corrosion oxidation, so as to ensure the good welding performance.
Process: Micro etching, air drying, preheating, rosin, solder coated, hot air leveling coating, air cooling, washing drying
Twelve, forming
Objective: through mould pressing or milling machine gong out of shape forming method customer needs organic gongs, beer plate, hand gongs, hand cut
Note: Data gong machine plate and punching board and precise, hand gongs secondly, hand cut board lowest with can only do some simple shapes.
Thirteen, test
Objective: through 100% electronic testing, detecting visual is not easy to find to open circuit, short circuit etc. the influence of functional defects.
Process: the die, board, testing, qualified to FQC visual inspection, unqualified to repair, back testing, OK - REJ - Scrap
Fourteen, final inspection
Objective: through the appearance defects of 100% visual inspection panel, and the slight defect repair, avoid the problems and defects in plate out.
Specific work process: incoming to view the data, visual inspection, qualified, FQA checks, qualified,unqualified and packaging, processing, check OK

1 条评论:

  1. Nice information about the PCB production process. Printed circuit boards are typically made with copper. Depending on the requirements, the copper is plated to a substrate and carved away to expose the design of the board. Since there are multiple layers, they must be lined up and bonded together for a secure fit. A few months ago one of my friends takes the service from Greatpcb.com. which specializes in and guarantees prompt delivery of fast-turnaround PCB and PCB assemblies.
