
High PCB Design----Wonderful PCB (hk) Limited

In the field of telecommunications , the design is very complex , the transmission speed in the transmission of application data , voice and image of the
Has been far higher than 500Mbps, people in the communications field in pursuit of higher performance and faster to launch production

Goods, and the cost is not the first. They will use more board layers, sufficient power and ground planes, any problems that may arise in the high-speed signal lines will be implemented using discrete components match. They have
SI (signal integrity) and EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) experts to simulate and analyze the wiring before each
an internal design engineers follow strict design requirements. So the field of communication design engineers through
this design is often used excessive speed PCB design strategy.

Home computer motherboard design area is the other extreme, the cost and effectiveness above all , the design
Teachers are always using the fastest, the best , highest-performance CPU chips, memory and graphics processing module technology
To form increasingly complex computer . The home computer motherboards are usually four shelves , some high-speed PCB

Design technology is difficult to apply to this area , so engineers in the field of home computers generally have adopted over
Research methods to design high-speed PCB board, they are designed to fully study the specific circumstances of those who truly resolved
The existence of high-speed circuit problem.

